Claudio M. Radaelli is a political scientist. In the past decate, the ERC has awarded him two Advanced Grants, with the latest one focused on Procedural Tools for Effective Governance (Protego).  Claudio has published on Europeanisation, policy learning, the narrative policy framework, and rule-making policy instruments, such as impact assessment and consultation. Google Scholar reports over 25 000 citations of his work. Claudio is editor of the International Review of Public Policy and a member of the Executive of the International Public Policy Association.
In the MORES project, Radaelli works on narratives of public policy and emotions.
Academic expertise
Political science, European Union, policy learning, policy narratives, regulation
Topic for press interviews
Emotions and red tape; bureaucracy and emotions; narratives of public policy, moral regulation (such as end-of-life decisions), European Union politics; regulatory impact assessment