Olivier Mauco provides the link between video games and society. 

Olivier holds a PhD in Political Science. He is author of two books on video games: GTAIV the other side of the American dream, 2013; Video games: out of control? 2014. He teaches the course Video Games Industry at Sciences Po Paris. Olivier holds academic expertise both on the macro level of international industrial and economy public policies related to video games, and the impact on game content from global representations to gameplay mechanic driven discourses.  

He founded and manages Game in Society, a video game creation agency specialising in the production of meaning through games, the worlds of art, culture, education, public policy and behavioural psychology. He has produced Prisme 7, the first video game for the Centre Pompidou, and games, metaverse and collections of NFTs for public cultural or research institutions. Several of his games are dedicated to the modelling of public space and resource markets (such as oil sands, European electricity market, agriculture, oil, the high seas) and the impact of decision-making or individual behaviour. For a decade, he has been focusing on modelling social spaces and human interactions with game design. 

Academic expertise

Videogame and metaverse, game regulation and content, ideology and representations, discourses and gameplay

Topic for press interviews

Metaverse, on-line public spaces, video games, meta and empowering design

Contact Information

[email protected]