Zsolt Boda is Research Professor and Director-General of the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences. He holds an MA in Economics and a PhD in Political Science. He has taught courses at the University Paris 6 and the European University Viadrina in Germany. Boda has received several fellowships and worked, among others, at the Maison des Science de l’Homme (Paris) and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA). He has participated in several international research projects, including two EU FP7 projects, a EUROFUND project, an EU DG Development project, a UNRISD project, and has led several research projects funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA, NKFIH). He was the coordinator of DEMOS - Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe, a collaborative H2020 Research & Innovation project. He served as an expert in two EC Expert Group, at the National Sustainability Council of the Hungarian Parliament and at the Prime Minister’s Office (1999). Boda received the Best Political Science Publication Award two times (2005 and 2014) and the Bibó Award for research excellence of the Hungarian Political Science Association. He has about 180 academic publications, one third of which are in English. His research focuses on policy studies and governance. Boda has been researching the roots of political trust as well as the role of trust and legitimacy in public policy effectiveness. Boda has published on trust in the justice system and penal populism, and studied populism in policymaking as well as the effect of democratic capacities on populist attitudes.
Academic expertise
Political science, populism, policymaking, trust, democratic governance
Topics for press interviews
European populism in policymaking, the role of emotions in politics, the role of trust in democratic governance, democratic backsliding