Meet MORES partners, including universities and NGOs exploring the impact of emotions on politics and democracy. Discover collaboration opportunities.

Project Coordinator

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences (HUN-REN CSS)

HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences (HUN-REN CSS)

Zsolt Boda

Zsolt Boda

MORES's Project Leader and Principal Investigator

Gabriella Szabó

Gabriella Szabó

MORES's Deputy Principal Investigator

Vinicius Gorczeski

Vinicius Gorczeski

MORES's Communications Manager

Tiziana Del Viscio

Tiziana Del Viscio

MORES's Financial Manager

Alíz Vattay

Alíz Vattay

MORES's Project Manager

Project Partners

Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)

Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU)

Artur Lipiński

Artur Lipiński

MORE's Team Leader at AMU

Jakub Jakubowski

Jakub Jakubowski

MORES's Researcher at AMU

Agnieszka Stępińska

Agnieszka Stępińska

MORES's Researcher at AMU

European Citizens Actions Service (ECAS)

European Citizens Actions Service (ECAS)

Assya Kavrakova

Assya Kavrakova

MORES's Team Leader at ECAS

Elisa Lironi

Elisa Lironi

MORES's Researcher at ECAS

Desislava Ivanova

Desislava Ivanova

MORES's Researcher at ECAS

Marta Silva

Marta Silva

MORES's Communications at ECAS

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE)

Péter Krekó

Péter Krekó

MORES's Team Leader at ELTE

Laura Faragó

Laura Faragó

MORES's Researcher at ELTE

Péter Radó Nagy

Péter Radó Nagy

MORES's Researcher at ELTE

European University Institute (EUI)

European University Institute (EUI)

Claudio Radaelli

Claudio Radaelli

MORES's Team Leader at EUI

Jonathan Kamkhaji

Jonathan Kamkhaji

MORES's Researcher at EUI

European University Viadrina (EUV)

European University Viadrina (EUV)

Timm Beichelt

Timm Beichelt

MORES's Team Leader at EUV

Daniel Illger

Daniel Illger

MORES's Researcher at EUV

Thomas Scherer

Thomas Scherer

MORES's Researcher at EUV

Game in Society

Game in Society (GIS)

Olivier Mauco

Olivier Mauco

MORES's Team Leader at GIS

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI)

Eran Halperin

Eran Halperin

MORES's Team Leader at HUJI

Mabelle Kretchner

Mabelle Kretchner

MORES's Researcher at HUJI

Adva Gruenwald

Adva Gruenwald

MORES's Researcher at HUJI

University of Lorraine (UL)

University of Lorraine (UL)

Nicolas Hubé

Nicolas Hubé

MORES's Team Leader at UL

Advisory Board

Stefania Ravazzi

Stefania Ravazzi is associate professor at the University of Turin, where she teaches Public Policy Analysis, Governing Cities and Governance and Alternative Conflict Management. Her main research interests pertain collaborative governance processes and conflict management, deliberative democracy, urban governance and policies, emergency response policy. She is currently engaged in research on crisis management in European countries and in the application of deliberative methods to restorative justice. From 2020 to 2023, she was a member of the National Commission for Public Debates on Major Works.

Aleksandra Cichocka

Aleksandra Cichocka is a Professor of Political Psychology at the University of Kent. She completed her PhD at the University of Warsaw (2013) and was a Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Psychology at New York University. Between 2018 and 2022, she served as Vice President of the International Society of Political Psychology. Her work applies the psychology of the self and the psychology of groups to help understand the politics of contemporary democracies. She has published over 90 articles and book chapters in various interdisciplinary and specialised outlets, including Nature, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and Social Psychological and Personality Science. This work has been awarded several distinctions, including the 2023 Jim Sidanius Early Career Award from the International Society of Political Psychology and the 2017 Jos Jaspars Medal awarded to early career scholars for outstanding research contribution by the European Association of Social Psychology. Her research has been supported by the Leverhulme Trust, the Nuffield Foundation, Economic and Social Research Council, and the Polish National Science Centre.

Agnes Batory

Agnes Batory is Pro-Rector for Research and Faculty and Professor of Public Policy at Central European University, Vienna. She holds a PhD from Cambridge University. Her research interests include corruption and corruption control, party politics, and policy implementation and compliance problems in EU governance. She is co-editor of Policy experiments, failures and innovations, and her articles appeared, among others, in Governance; the Journal of Common Market Studies; the Journal of European Public Policy; Public Administration; Democratization and the European Journal of Political Research. She recently contributed to large EU-funded projects dealing with collaborative governance; European identification and regional policy; and crisis-management in the EU. New EU projects launching where she is member of the research team are Respond (dealing democracy and political corruption in digital societies) and NET-ROL (on the rule of law in the EU). She serves on the editorial boards of Governance; East European Politics; and the Journal of Common Market Studies as well as the international advisory board of Transparency International EU.

Sister Projects


Investigating the emotions of protective policies


Politics of grievance and democratic governance


Climate, Inequality, and Democratic Action: The Force of Political Emotions